Our Staff

Mr Leigh Fox

Deputy Headteacher
Miss Annalee Toon

Mrs Kate Benney

Foundation Stage
Mrs Kate Benney and Mrs Laura Meredith
Mrs Kate Benney leads the Foundation Stage with Mrs Meredith. They are supported by Miss Lisa Mundell

Year 1
Mrs Jessica Broughton and Mrs Charlotte Mitchell
Mrs Broughton and Mrs Mitchell teach Year 1.

Year 2
Mrs Leanne Clark and Mrs Kate Benney
Mrs Clark and Mrs Benney teach Year 2. They are supported by Mrs Coulthurst and Mrs Weaver.

Year 3
Miss Charlotte Hill.
Miss Hill teaches Year 3. She is supported by Miss McGuire.

Year 4
Mrs Lynn Ellerby and Mrs Fiona Dewick.
Mrs Ellerby and Mrs Dewick teach Year 4. They are supported by Mrs Nelmes.

Year 5
Miss Eleanor Lightfoot
Miss Lightfoot teaches Year 5. She is supported by Miss Foster

Year 6

Miss Roxanne Smith and Mrs Annalee Toon.

Miss Smith and Mrs Toon teach Year 6. They are supported by Mrs Noble.

Office Staff
Mrs Perks – Office Manager
Mrs Andrew – Admin Assistant

Premises Team
Mr Martyn Goodger
Mrs Kim Shaw

Kitchen Staff
Mrs Lynn Hill, Mrs Kelly Norris, Kat Ison

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Lisa Nelmes
Miss Mundell
Mrs Weaver
Miss McGuire
Miss Foster
Mrs Coulthurst
Mrs Noble