A huge welcome to the new EYFS starters 2024-2025
We are so pleased to hear that you have chosen our school and that your child will be joining us from August this year. We know that this is a very exciting time for children and parents alike and we very much look forward to meeting you all.
Next year the class teachers will be Mrs Kate Benney (3 days) and Mrs Laura Meredith (2 days). Both Mrs Benney and Mrs Meredith are very experienced EYFS teachers and are skilled in ensuring an exellent transition into school.
This year’s transition model will consist of:
- On Friday 13th June, we will be holding an EYFS casual ‘Tour the School’ session. There will be two timeslots for this; 09:30 and 11:00. These tours will give you and your child/children an opportunity to come and look around the school and refamiliarise yourself with the school environment. Please attend the session that is most convenient to you and your family. You do not need to book a preferred slot.
- OnWednesday 19th June and Thursday 20th June, we will be inviting parents and child/children into school for a face-to-face meeting with the class teacher. Meetings will be ten minutes long and will give parents and children an opportunity to meet the staff and for the children to tell us about themselves. You will be able to book onto your preferred date via a Microsoft Form using this link https://forms.office.com/r/pNkdWbZyvt
For your agreed, scheduled appointment, please can you wait at the side school gate, next to the Village Hall carpark. If you are unsure where this is, please watch Mrs Benney’s (previously Miss Stansfield) first day tour video. A member of staff will meet you there.
- On Thursday 27th June we will be holding an EYFS Parent’s Information Meeting will be posted, which will give you information about the EYFS curriculum and key information regarding school uniform and Cool Milk.
- On Wednesday 3rd July we will be holding our EYFS, half day transition. Please can you book onto your preferred slot using our online MS Teams form.
Session 1: 10:00 – 11:45
Session 2: 13:00 – 14:45
For this day, please can you drop your child off at the school office. We will collect all the children and then walk them through the school to the EYFS classroom, where they will begin their fun start to school. Please note parents will notbe able to accompany their child past the school office.
- Children to then start school, full time, on Thursday 29th August 2024.
To assist with your child transitioning into our school, this section of the website will contain lots of tools that you can share with your child, to allow them to become more familiar with our teachers and our school.
We have also attached lots of lovely ideas and activities that have been published by our Multi Academy Trust. These documents also give guidance on how you can support your child, in the home learning environment, to help with school readiness.
If you do have any questions, please feel free to make contact using the email address
Take care and stay safe
Best wishes
Leigh Fox Head teacher
Kate Benney EYFS Co-ordinator/SENDCo
Laura Meredith EYFS Teacher
EYFS Transition Tools
Welcome Videos
Story Time with Mrs Benney
Story Time with Mrs Meredith
Cool Milk– Parent Information Leaflet 2021
Useful tools
Virtual Tour of the school– hosted by pupils we have in school.
Where to go? — on your first day at school, this video will show you which route you will take into school.
EYFS Presentation 2024– a spot of bedtime reading (PowerPoint supports the videos above).
EYFS Welcome Booklet 2024— to share with your child at home. We will also be sending you a hardcopy of this booklet to your home addresses.
ICAN Transition Statements— Please have a look at these ‘I can’ statements. We will be contacting you at the start of July and it would great to discuss the wonderful things your child can do, with you!
Top Tips to help your child get ready for school
CBeebies Little Learners is a learning app from CBeebies and BBC Bitesize, that puts the fun into learning! This week we’ve launched some new content with CBeebies show Time For School, made to help little ones get ready for school.
School Nurse Team
Please find attached resources from the Healthy Together (School Nurse) team.
Introducing the school nursing team
Supporting Your Child When They Start School Letter Healthy Together Leicestershire And Rutland
Healthy Together Preparing For Primary School Leicestershire & Rutland (1)